Year 6 to 7 Transition
This year, our year 6's will be going to 8 different Plymouth secondary schools. Find yours on the list below to go to their website to find out more information. You will find helpful information such as:
- term dates;
- sample timetables;
- uniform requirements;
- site maps;
- tutor groups,
- what a day in year 7 looks like etc.
Devonport High School for Boys
New Students | Devonport High School For Boys | Plymouth (
Devonport High School for Girls
Devonport High School for Girls - Admissions (
Hele's School
Hele's School - Year 6 Transition (
Marine Academy Plymouth
Transitions — Marine Academy Plymouth
Notre Dame
Admissions • Notre Dame Plymouth (
Sir John Hunt
St Boniface
Admissions • St Boniface's Catholic College (
Stoke Damerel
Stoke Damerel Community College - Year 6-7 Transition (