Whitleigh Community Primary School, Lancaster Gardens, Whitleigh, Plymouth, Devon, PL5 4AA

Tel: 01752 706383

Main Contact: Lisa Richards


Chair of Governors: John Bale

Whitleigh Community Primary School

Children at the heart of the school - School at the heart of community

SEND Information Report 2023-2024

Updated March 2024 with the help of Gill Groombridge and Helen Ward-Roylance


The SEND information report complies with:

  • Section 69 of the Children and Families Act 2014.
  • Regulation 51 and schedule 1 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. We greatly value and appreciate the input of our parents and support they give to their child's education.

We aim to work alongside parents to maximise this support to achieve the best possible outcomes for their children.

From time to time, children may need extra support with their learning and we hope that this page will explain how we aim to provide this support and how you can obtain it.

Please feel free to look at the attached parents booklet available on this link  ADVICE FOR PARENTS  for suggestions how to support your child at home.


Please feel free to contact Mrs O'Brien, on the number below with any queries you may have.


SENDCO - Mrs Chelsea O'Brien,  Whitleigh Community Primary School, 01752 706383


Please explore the Plymouth Online Directory (POD) for additional advice and support.

 ‘A child or young person has SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them. A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if they:
(a) have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age; or

(b) have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.

(SEND Code of Practice 2014 p.4)

This is a broad definition covering all children and young people from 0-25 years of age.
The Code of Practice identifies 4 broad areas of need:
Communication and interaction – This includes speech and language and social
communication difficulties such as Autism.
Cognition and learning – This is where a child is progressing at a slower pace than their peers.
Social, mental and emotional health – This could include children who may display anxiety, ADHD, Attachment Disorder etc. that may result in challenging behaviours
Sensory and/ or physical needs – This includes children experiencing difficulties with their vision, hearing, mobility or sensory processing.

Please feel free to share any concerns that you may have about your child as soon as possible with the staff listed below.

Class teacher  - Your child’s class teacher is the first person to contact if you have any concerns. The majority of children with a SEND can have their needs fully met by their class teacher.

SENCo  - You are welcome to discuss your child’s needs further with Ali Havard (SEND Co-ordinator). Please contact school reception to make an appointment.

Additional support may be offered either in school or from outside agencies. At this point your child may be recognised as having an Additional Special Educational Need or Disability.

Parents are welcome to contact Plymouth inclusion advice and support for SEND service (PIAS) 
for additional advice and support if required.

If you have concerns about your child’s physical health or their wellbeing you can also contact your GP.

Class teacher
You can speak to your child’s teacher at any time before or after school. It would be best to arrange a meeting if you would like to discuss specific concerns. You can arrange this directly with the teacher or contact the school office to do so on your behalf.

The Special Educational Needs co-ordinator is Chelsea O'Brien. You can contact her by leaving a message at the school office.

Who are the other people who can help to support your child?

School funded:
 Plymouth Multi-Agency Advice and Support Team (MAST)
 ELSA assistants
 Learning Mentor
 Excellence Cluster Multi-Agency Support staff
 Speech Therapist

LA funded services:
 Plymouth SEND Support and Advice Service
 Communication Interaction Team (CIT)
 Community Educational Psychology Service
 Plymouth Advisory Teachers For Sensory Support (PATSS)
 Plymouth Information Advice and Support for SEND (PIAS)
 Early Years Advisory Service

Health Service funded:
 Community Nursing Service

Plymouth Early Help Team

 Education Mental Health Support Team

 Occupational Therapy

 Physiotherapy

 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHs)

 Children’s Speech and Language Service

Woodlands Outreach service

At Whitleigh Primary School the class teachers and the senior leadership team monitor the progress of all children every term. At this point support may be adapted to meet identified needs.

An Individual Education Plan (IEP) may be created for children identified as needing additional support. IEP’s contain individual targets and are also reviewed every term by the class teacher and parents. IEP’S are working documents which can be amended as the need arises.

Initially your child’s class teacher would contact you to discuss your child’s learning informally.

Class targets may be put in place and progress measured.

If the support is not effective an Individual Education Plan (IEP) may be created and your child may be recognised as needing support for special educational needs and disabilities. (SEND).

IEP’s are reviewed at parent consultation meetings every term. The SENCo may attend these meetings if required.

It may be useful to hold multi-agency meetings with a range of professionals to ensure we can provide the best possible support for your child.

All children at Whitleigh Primary School receive high quality teaching. A range of styles of teaching and learning are used to ensure appropriate learning objectives are set for all children and the curriculum matches their individual needs.

Whitleigh Community Primary School is committed to supporting the mental well-being of all children. We invest in the THRIVE programme, which enables us to screen all children three times a year and provide additional support as needed.

Some children with SEND may require learning resources tailored to their individual needs. Children may receive individualised or group intervention as needed.

We offer a range of extra-curricular clubs which are open and accessible to all children.

Further information is available in the school SEND policy available in the policy section of our website.

Whitleigh Primary school shares the campus with Sir John Hunt Community College and Woodlands Special School, so our site is fully accessible to all.

Whitleigh Primary School has a fully accessible bathroom with a hydraulic changing table and hoist.  All floors are accessible by lift

Please feel free to contact us to discuss individual access arrangements. Please refer our accessibility policy in the policy section of our website.

Our SENCo has over 15 years experience in the role and is part of a number of Steering groups in the area, so her knowledge is current.

To ensure our staff have the skills and knowledge to support children with SEND, there is a programme of ongoing training. Recent whole school training has included:

THRIVE  this is an emotional literacy programme which enables staff  to screen all
  children and provide support when needed.
Colourful Semantics (a programme to help children learn the important elements of a sentence and how to join them together correctly).

Speech and Language training.

Mental health support training.

• Intensive Interaction (a way of supporting social communication     with young children)

• PACE Training  (a way of thinking, feeling, communicating and  behaving that aims to make children feel safe.

TA’s receive specific training according to the needs of the children in their Year groups.

  Recent training has included:
ELSA (Emotional literacy support Assistant) – 5 TA’s have successfully passed this
Makaton (signing to support spoken language)
Moving and Handling
Motor Skills United (fine and gross motor skills support programme)
Autism awareness training
MAST training including: Grieving in Puddles and Lego Therapy

Where a training need is identified school will endeavour to provide the training as soon as available.

Whitleigh Primary School takes a person centred approach to supporting all pupils.

1.Teachers are usually available at the beginning and end of the day to share success and concerns.  

2. A home-school contact book may be provided.

3. Pupils and parents are welcome to add their views to all reports, support plans and reviews.

4.The school holds parent consultation three times a year for children with SEND. The SENCo may be invited please contact the school office.

5.Pupils and parents are welcome to add their views to all reports, support plans and reviews.

The SENCo meets with available parents and carers to review SEND information report every year.
Grateful thanks to Gill Groombridge and Helen Ward-Roylance for giving up their time this year.

Who can I speak to if I have a query about the support being
provided for my child?

 Your first contact with any concerns should be your child’s class teacher.
 You can arrange a meeting directly with them or contact the school office on 706383 to arrange a meeting for you.
 If you need further support please contact the SENCo via the school office.
 If you still have concerns please contact the Headteacher.
 We are keen to resolve all concerns, but if you are still worried please contact the school Chair of Governors via the school office.

Plymouth Parent Partnership is also able to help you with queries.

At Whitleigh Primary School every effort is taken to ensure that transition times are successfully managed.

All children have transition visits to their next class and to meet their new teacher. Additional visits are arranged as needed. Class teachers meet in the summer term to pass on information about all children and their individual needs.

Some children may benefit from enhanced transitions to their new classes. They may receive social stories which may include photographs to familiarise themselves with their new class and new teacher.

Children will be offered the chance to experience play times in their new playground where appropriate.

Transition to secondary school is supported through the Plymouth Transition Framework. All secondary schools offer enhanced transition opportunities for children who need them.

Where children are moving to a different school (in year transfer), transition meetings can be arranged with the receiving school. Visits with familiar staff members may be arranged. School staff will contact the receiving school to discuss the support arrangements already in place for the child.